The Inevitable - by Kevin Kelly



The Inevitable is a book authored by Kevin Kelly, is the founding executive editor of Wired magazine and a futurist who foresaw the scope of the internet revolution. Kelly provides a plausible, optimistic road map for the next 30 years and shows how the coming changes can be understood as the result of a few long-term forces that are already in motion. Kelly both describes these 12 deep trends-including cognifying our surroundings, valuing access over ownership, tracking everything-and demonstrates how they are codependent on one another.

This book was written in 2016 and with so much that has happened since, it does seem outdated if you were to read this now. It does feel a bit like a time capsule and for those who work or who are immersed in the tech world, a lot of the things that are mentioned here seems like a given. However, for its time when I bought the book, some of the concepts seemed revolutionary. I did like the philosophical nature of the book, it was interesting looking at technology from an unusual perspective. 

Summary & Key Learnings

  1. Becoming
  2. Cognifying
  3. Flowing
  4. Screening
  5. Accessing
  6. Sharing
  7. Filtering
  8. Remixing
  9. Interacting
  10. Tracking
  11. Questioning
  12. Beginning

We are used to industry commentators, and media especially, viewing technological developments through a negative and skeptical lens. We have to remind ourselves that often we are actually in control of our destiny and therefore have the opportunity to affect positive change and create the future we want to see and experience.

We have entered protopia, a ‘state of becoming, rather than a destination’. In this state we are continually seeing small, incremental improvements to our daily lives, rather than large jumps in technological progress. This is apparent in everything from regular app updates and the availability of new and improved hardware. We don’t recognise this on a daily basis, but can look back year on year and see huge improvements in the technologies we use. (This reminds me of the compounding effect - reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart changes e.g. atomic habits/Buffet's rule.)

Humans shouldn’t fear robots taking jobs; robots will perform tasks we can’t do, don’t want to do, and didn’t even know could be done, freeing us to discover new jobs for ourselves, and new tasks that expand who we are.

We should think of the world in terms of ‘flow’; information is becoming more fluid, following through our lives in real-time. This has been apparent in music, books and movies, and will increasingly spread to areas such as games, newspapers, and education.

1. Becoming

We are in a state of unceasing change and are continually learning and adapting (we are constant ‘newbies’) to the new that is unlike anything that was before. Technology is constantly improving and always in flux. What we’re experiencing and will continue to experience is a protopia, a world that keeps getting better, one baby step at a time.

In a protopia, things are always a bit better today than yesterday. Living in a protopia also means that nothing is fixed. Technology moves forward, accelerating progress. To put it differently, everything is in a state of becoming, which means you and everyone else will always be “newbies” in this ever-evolving technological world.

No invention is ever finalised or fixed if each invention is a starting point for another invention or development. Just think of how the advent of personal computers paved the way for the internet.Basically, all human technology is permanently moving forward, and this process, in which every innovation has the potential to trigger another innovation, will never be straightforward or predictable.

Because of this, the best predictions we can make about future events are generalised trends.<And since technology never stops improving, you’ll always feel like a newcomer no matter what you learned or experienced in the past. You’ll have to upgrade your devices to adapt to the evolving digital landscape – and we all know how long it takes to get used to new technology.

Your permanent newbie status is also a result of the decreasing longevity of devices and software, which means you likely won’t get to spend enough time with any technology to truly master it.For example, the average lifespan of a smartphone app – the amount of time it takes a user to stop using the technology – is now 30 days.

2. Cognifying 

Applied intelligence will be available just like electricity was over 100 years ago. It will be embedded into everything and change the nature of how things work. Artificial intelligence and robust online filters will shape how we work and what we learn.

Over 100 years ago, the advent of electricity transformed the tools we use every day. The next technological step is artificial intelligence. Today, AI is cognifying objects, turning them into tools that are “intelligent.”Making previously “dumb” objects “smart” is one trend that will dramatically shape the future. This process isn’t limited to physical objects, however. In fact, AI will cognify chemistry, for example, using algorithms and databases to run virtual chemistry experiments. But if this is the future, will AI replace all human intelligence? Definitely not. Yet AI will certainly redefine human intelligence and perhaps humanity as a whole. While AI can enhance certain areas of study, such as medicine, this doesn’t mean AI will replace human specialists in those fields.

People and AI working together will produce the best outcomes. The most accurate health diagnoses will be made by physicians, for example, who combine intuition with state-of-the-art diagnostic software.Humans won’t become superfluous, but we will have to constantly evaluate the things we can do better than computers and delegate other tasks accordingly. This will leave us to perform tasks that are uniquely human, such as caring for others and engaging in intuitive thinking, while letting AI take over other jobs such as memorisation. As a result, AI will shape what we do and, in time, who we are.

3. Flowing

Stocks to flows, ownership to use. Atoms and bits are now flowing from creators to consumers who are themselves creators. We want things that flow, in time and space. “Hard” goods were yesterday; flowing content and shareable resources are the future of commerce.

Material goods used to define commerce. With the advent of the internet, however, much of what is bought and sold is intangible, streamed online or shared offline. In other words, modern goods are flowing. A flowing good is a good you can purchase as a service or real-time update. For instance, previously if you wanted an answering machine for a phone, you had to purchase and install hardware. Today, software can automatically install itself on your smartphone without you lifting a finger. Once a good is digitized, a user can transform, copy or share it. Consider music streaming service Spotify, which allows a user to build playlists to then listen to, like or share with friends. Services such as Twitter, Spotify and Netflix which offer real-time content streams are just the beginning. People who subscribe to and use these services also contribute to another force that’s shaping our technological future which is 'sharing'.

4. Screening

We will interact with information through screens. All information will become fluid, linked and tagged. All content and libraries will become symbols on screens we interact with. Screens will have a profound impact on how we absorb information. Indeed, screening is another powerful future trend. In the future, screens won’t just be fixed on subway station platforms or smartphones, but will appear everywhere. This is an important development. On screen, text and ideas aren’t fixed and authoritative as they appear in printed books but rather constantly changing and thus open to question. Compare the Encyclopedia Britannica, a series of printed tomes, to its online equivalent Wikipedia, where users can discuss and edit entries. Screens encourage us to interact, pushing us to research and discuss the ideas on display.

5. Accessing

The availability of anything, atoms or bits, immediately without owning. Whatever you need you can get, and get the latest and best. Ownership is no longer necessary. Why buy goods when you can rent them instead? Possession will give way to access in the future. In the not-so-distant past, possession, whether of a business or a good, was essential to engage in a commercial transaction. Today the largest provider of accommodation in the world, Airbnb, owns none of the real estate it offers as rentals. This business is part of a larger trend, in which physical possession is less important and access is more important.

Businesses are seeing the benefits of providing services instead of selling physical goods. Offering car rentals instead of selling a vehicle outright means a business can accrue greater benefits from the same object. A business doesn’t even need to own the object it’s “selling,” thus requiring less capital outlay for maintenance, too. Additionally, access-based businesses are often available in real time, and therefore offer better service. Peer-to-peer taxi service Uber, for example, can offer a ride to a customer faster than can a centralised taxi service, precisely because of its decentralised workforce. Every Uber driver is self-employed and owns a car, thus allowing Uber to offer the services of multiple drivers at any time, anywhere. Accessing instead of owning is a key driver of the future. 

6. Sharing

Everyone creates and it’s all shared. Any idea, thought, expression or artifact can be contributed to by anyone and experienced by anyone if they so desire. When you watch a movie, listen to a great song or share an insightful tweet over a social network, you’re adding your content to the general stream of online information. Sharing, therefore, is another key force that will affect how we engage in commerce in the future. Every day, people share 1.8 billion photos on social media. We’re witnessing the evolution of a sharing economy, a market in which people form networks, exchange resources and collaborate on projects – such as the open-source, online community encyclopedia, Wikipedia. A sharing economy allows any person to become a producer, by giving that person access to equipment, such as a 3D printer, for example, without having to own it personally.

7. Filtering

Attention is the scare resource. Allocating it to an exponentially expanding universe requires filtering based on who we are. Future filters will both serve us and surprise us. Online content has been expanding at an exponential rate. To make sense of all this data, we need to be able to filter out what’s important to us. Filtering, which depends on AI, will help shape the future. In just 9,000 days, people produce over 60 trillion web pages! If you ever want to find what you’re looking for online, you’ll need to use a robust filter, such as a Google search engine. AI can ably filter through content and identify relevant pieces because it can process massive quantities of data. All the while, AI learns to personalise results to individual user preferences. 

8. Remixing

Whatever is new is a remix of what exists. Remixing requires radical deconstruction and the ability to find the pieces to recombine and transform into something new. More and more growth today is generated by rearranging content – even further rearranging rearranged content – instead of producing new resources. It’s not possible to talk about remixing without mentioning the transformation of people from passive consumers to active content producers. While Hollywood makes 600 feature films yearly, 100 million video clips are shared on the internet every day, and many are simply remixed snippets of preexisting movies. Now that it’s so easy to copy and remix content, the next step should be a service that offers video hyperlinks, allowing people to cite specific frames of a film or video at the click of a button. This also means that property rights will need to adapt, as most are written for a world of tangible, owned goods, not digitised snippets that are easily accessed and remixed. (This is quite interesting as this was written before the time NFTs have started to become mainstream, however doing some research looks like NFTs have been around since 2014. Kevin McCoy was the first to create one.)

9. Interacting

We will interact with our devices and with others in realistic virtual and augmented worlds. Our devices will ‘know’ us and we will know worlds and others through our devices. Virtual reality and screens will transform human interaction, bringing the world into our living rooms. Virtual reality, or VR, is a form of simulation that is essentially fake but feels real, which is why it could change our lives.For instance, the possibilities offered by VR will transform human interaction while increasing the actual number of interactions people have. Interacting is another key force that will affect the future.

As devices become less expensive to produce and purchase, people will be able to spend more time in virtual reality scenarios. As the technology develops to react more accurately to voice and movement, for instance through eye tracking, VR will begin to feel more “natural.”But VR will also offer people the feeling that they have “superhuman” senses, such as x-ray vision. With time, people may start to perceive such senses as synonymous with regular human senses. A person’s interaction with VR technology will undoubtedly change his self-perception; and as a result, that person will want to keep interacting with VR. Immersion in technology will become the norm, and objects that don’t offer VR capabilities, such as printed photographs, will start to appear “broken.” VR will open up space for greater interactivity between people. Within a virtual world, you can meet thousands of people from all over the world without setting foot outside your home.

10. Tracking

We will track and be tracked everywhere. What we track will expand exponentially and become extra ‘senses’. ‘Coveillance’ will emerge where the watchers and the watched are transparent. Personal privacy and certainty will disappear in the future, but really, it’s not all that bad. Tracking will bring both big risks and big opportunities in the future. Today we quantify and document an ever-greater amount of our lives, and in the process, we are producing tons of data. If performed accurately, data collection can be then used to customise aspects of our lives to match specific needs, such as creating personalised medicine. But if tracking becomes too invasive, we’ll spend too much time monitoring personal data and little time living our lives.There is also the risk that personal data could be compromised. Businesses or even other people could collect your data from sources such as blogs, social media and apps, using the information against you. Even if it is, this new “transparency” is inevitable. Society will undoubtedly learn to accept it, even enjoying its upsides. While coworkers will be able to track you, you’ll have the option to track them as well – and as a result, everyone will be more accountable.

11. Questioning

Billions of connected people are creating a new level of organisation where questioning is the norm and answers emerge from the collective. Unimagined questions beget unimaginable answers. As tracking becomes a larger part of our lives, so will questioning. The future, with its exponential growth of content, will force us to sift through a tremendous amount of information in search of truth. The amount of information society generates doubles every 1.5 years, yet much of it is contradictory and uncertain. For every fact we discover, we’ll find another to dispute it. Plenty of society’s longest-held assumptions have been proven false over time. For instance, we used to assume people would never work for free, but today free intern labor is widespread. The point is, people have begun to question everything, no longer believing in a universal truth but rather in multiple truths assembled from a stream of facts. This desire to question can only grow since every truth or solution produces new questions and as a result, new knowledge.

12. Beginning

Now is the time in which, 30 years hence, people will look back and say, ‘that was the dawn of the era we are living in’. These forces will shape our future and we are only at the beginning. In just a few hundred years, machine intelligence will meld with human minds to produce a “super intelligence". This intelligence is called the force of beginning, and it marks a new era – that starts today. Consider this: 15 billion devices are already linked through the internet, essentially forming one massive circuit. New connections are made every second. What will this mean for the future?

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